New Festival Partnership!

The Cups N Cakes Network is delighted to announce that we’ve become media partners with the Rainbow Trout Music Festival. The event takes place on the banks of the Rosseau River, just south of St. Malo, Manitoba (just over an hour south of Winnipeg). Known for highlighting the Manitoba music scene but also for bringing in diverse acts from across Canada, we feel this relationship is a match made in heaven. 

The site is owned by the beautiful and generous George and Florence Beaudry. We’re told it’s an event like none other and that we’ve never been to a festival site as pristine and unique as this one. The festival boasts camping spaces and even has a designated “quiet camping” area for those not interested in partying until the sun comes up.

This years festival will take place from August 14th - 16th. Submissions to play this incredible event are open until February 14th, apply here. Past lineups have included: Royal Canoe, Anemone, Begonia, Weaves, and The Garrys.
