Premiere: Funeral Lakes - Redeemer

Funeral Lakes is a duo consisting of Chris Hemer and Sam Mishos. They emerged in 2019 with a self-titled debut album that leaned towards alt-folk but their sound has slowly transitioned towards bedroom-pop. Their folk roots are still very much apparent but the new sounds that they’ve embraced have made them more dynamic than ever.

Today we are very excited to deliver an exclusive premiere of their upcoming EP, Redeemer.

As the title would suggest, this new EP explores the idea of redemption. Can one be redeemed? Who decides? Is it possible to be irredeemable? Funeral Lakes explore this theme by expanding their sonic palate with lush sounds but also laid back melodies. Truly their best work to date, this new, 4-song release will be available in August 20th, 2021, but you can hear it early right now.