Best Of 2021 Schedule

As 2021 rapidly comes to an end, the Cups N Cakes Network will be going back in time to revisit some of our favourite releases from the past year. 2021 saw some optimism in regards to life returning to normal but we aren’t quite there yet. Luckily, tours are starting up and festivals are being announced which is leading to even more excitement for 2022.

The optimism surrounding Cups N Cakes is also at an all-time high! In 2021, our team of incredible volunteers grew to over 30 strong and between them, they published nearly 250 “Pick Of The Week” album reviews and over 200 short-form “Quick Pick” reviews. They did nearly 150 premieres, highlighted over 50 music videos, conducted multiple interviews, added two new programs, and even churned out some special articles. Tally it all up and the Cups N Cakes Network helped well over 750 independent Canadian artists with some type of coverage.

We are pretty darn proud of that!

The Cups N Cakes Network’s growth turned out to be very necessary because 2021 saw an immense amount of truly incredible releases. So many great acts waited out 2020 to release their new music in 2021 making this years “Best Of” lists the hardest ones we’ve ever had to compile. There was just so much darn good music! After much deliberation, the Cups N Cakes Team came to a general consensus on these categories:

  • Nov 23rd - Best Cover Art

  • Nov 26th - 2021 releases that "Slipped Through The Cracks"

  • Nov 30th - Best Music Videos

  • Dec 3rd - Best EPs or Mini Albums

  • Dec 9th - Best Tracks Part I

  • Dec 10th - Best Tracks Part II

  • Dec 16th - Best Albums (Honourable Mention)

  • Dec 17th - Best Albums

  • Jan 7th - Most Anticipated Of 2021

Stay tuned! Tell your friends, tell your family!