Best EPs Of 2018

Here is the list of our favourite EPs of 2018. There is a lot to take in if you plan to listen to each release which is why the Cups N Cakes staff put together a playlist where we picked one track from each EP to represent the high caliber of music each act brings to the table with their respective releases.

If you missed our favourite cover art of 2018, find it here.

Don’t miss the rest of our “Best of 2018” countdowns. Best Tracks Pt.1 is out December 23rd, Pt.2 is out December 30th, Best Albums is out January 6th and Most Anticipated of 2019 is out January 13th.

#25 - The Denim Daddies - Thinkin’ EP (Edmonton)

#24 - Birch Barks - Red Thread (Lethbridge)

#23 - Twig - Self Titled (Edmonton)

#22 - Dead Soft - New Emotion (Vancouver)

#21 - Dada Centauri - IV (Calgary)

#20 - Grovner - A Place In Your Home (Regina)

#19 - Icelandia - Paradise On Earth (Kelowna)

#18 - The Hearts - Sunshine (Edmonton)

#17 - Elaquent - Celebrate Life! (Toronto)

#16 - Baby Cages - Bitter Melon (Toronto)

#15 - Logan Wood - the Notoriously Trivialized (Calgary)

#14 - OBUXUM - H.E.R (Toronto)

#13 - Shade Shelter - I Like Your Shirt. Which One? Both. (Edmonton)

#12 - Feed Dogs - Bless This Mess (Edmonton)

#11 - St.Arnaud - Morning, Buddy (Edmonton)

#10 - WHIMM - Not My Kind (Toronto)

#09 - Beach Towels - At The Shore (Edmonton)

#08 - Sunglaciers - Twin Evil Twin (Calgary)

#07 - Surf Dads - Long Weekend (Regina)

#06 - Rhythm Of Cruelty - Dispossession (Edmonton)

#05 - nêhiyawak - Starlight (Edmonton)


#04 - The Eclipse - I Want Less (Edmonton)

#03 - Cartel Madras - Trapistan (Calgary)

#02 - Beach Body - Curb Ciggiez (Regina)

#01 - Body Lens - Self Titled (Lethbridge)