Sled Island Concert Series
Ian William Craig
We are pleased to bring a new seasonal concert series to your attention. Sled Island is teaming up with the National Music Centre with funding from the Calgary Foundation to broadcast an array of concerts at the Studio Bell Performance Hall. All of the concerts will concentrate on showcasing experimental, avant-garde and neo-classical music. The debut concert takes place on Friday, May 10th, 2019 and will feature renowned Canadian artist Ian William Craig.
Ian William Craig’s music is the perfect fit for the inaugural performance of the concert series. Using the beauty of a classically trained voice and layered, reverberating synths he creates an atmospheric sound that is ethereal in nature and not restricted to the confines of conventional beauty. It is like a heavenly message being sent out from mother earth to make first contact, breaking up with spacial distortion as the sound waves carry further and further into the great beyond.
Tickets for the May 10 inaugural show are available here.
Listen to Ian William Craig’s most recent album: