Premiere: The Blue - Remember You

Today, the Cups N Cakes Network is pleased to premiere the new single “Remember You” from Calgary based hip-hop artist The Blue (a.k.a Hemen Tor-Agbidye). It’s the first we’ve heard from The Blue since the release of their 2022 record Things Could Be Worse, and Tor-Agbidye returns in full force here with a two-and-a-half minute missive on legacy, the passing of time, and how things change.

There’s a melancholy to the song, whether it’s in The Blue’s reflection on the music scene in the first verse, or the broader questions about how people remember those who pass through their lives. The first verse is particularly poignant, with The Blue exploring how things have changed from starting out as a young, optimistic artist to the realities of investing time and effort into your work. In some ways, the song is asking why we do the things we do, and why they matter; Tor-Agbidye’s answer, it seems, is to be remembered, whether that’s for the things you make or through your impact in people’s lives. It’s a very sweet sentiment, but Tor-Agbidye’s vocal and lyrics have a melancholy and hint of self-doubt that help make sure the song is never too saccharine for it’s own good.