Feel Estate/Carbolizer/The High Dials/Altameda

Feel Estate - “Seasonal Depression”

“Seasonal Depression” is a distant and despairing little ditty that debates the day to day dredges of life and doubles down on that theme with dazzling and dizzying duelling guitars drenched in delay and reverb. 

Carbolizer - Self Titled

The debut from Carbolizer draws the listener into its dystopian futuristic sonic waves with a collection of catchy songs that invoke the nostalgia of gritty eighties sci-fi films. 

The High Dials - Foreverish

The High Dials new EP clocks in at 16:57 which is not quite forever, but with people’s short attention spans today that might as well be Foreverish.  Use that time to explore a thick candy coating of 60’s psych which builds a solid base for these sweet pop songs. 

Altameda - “Rolling Back to You”

An obvious nod to alternative country and rock’n’roll. A perceptive use of dynamics that highlight a sensible song structure and a great voice. Altameda is not reinventing the wheel, they are keeping it rolling, with your window down and arm out.

- Jeshaiah David