Best Of 2020 Schedule


Although 2020 will go down in the history books as a steaming turd of a year, there were some things worth praising. One of the few positives was the incredible amount of amazing new music created by folks living in Canada. Coronavirus be damned, musicians across this vast country pulled together and found ways to get their music heard despite all tours and music festivals getting cancelled. This year also saw rapid growth from your most reliable, 100% Canadian, new-music source… us!

Our team of incredible volunteers nearly doubled in size and between them, they published nearly 200 “Pick Of The Week” album reviews and over 200 short-form “Quick Pick” reviews. They did over 100 premieres, highlighted over 50 music videos, conducted multiple interviews, and even churned out some special articles. Tally it all up and the Cups N Cakes Network helped well over 500 independent Canadian artists with some type of coverage.

We are pretty darn proud of that!

Now with the “Year To Forget” drawing to a close, we feel it’s important to remind the lovers of independent music across Canada that there’s plenty worth remembering. Yes that’s right! We will soon be starting to countdown our favourites from 2020. Get excited, because soon our year-end lists will start to emerge and you’ll find yourself looking back on 2020 with fondness… just imagine that!

Here’s the schedule for our look back on the year from hell.

  • Nov 25th - Best Cover Art

  • Nov 27th - 2020 releases that "Slipped Through The Cracks"

  • Dec 2nd - Best Music Videos

  • Dec 4th - Best EPs or Mini Albums

  • Dec 10th - Best Tracks Part I

  • Dec 11th - Best Tracks Part II

  • Dec 17th - Best Albums (Honourable Mention)

  • Dec 18th - Best Albums

  • Jan 15th - Most Anticipated Of 2021

Stay tuned! Tell your friends, tell your family! We’re still in the shit so stay home and enjoy our 2020 coverage.