Premiere: The Nico Tobias Band - Saskatchewan

The Nico Tobias Band are a bunch of classic rock lovin', outlaw country playin' fools from Edmonton. Informed immensely from the history, geography and music music from the province he calls home, Nico Tobias merges country and rock into pure prairie delight. Today we are very excited to premiere a new song from The Nico Tobias Band called “Saskatchewan.”

The track is an ode to Alberta’s neighbour - the beautifully huge skies, the shimmering of wind blown barley fields, and most importantly, the down to Earth humans that call Saskatchewan home. Told in two parts, “Saskatchewan” ends with the suggestion that maybe the forlorn narrator should take a break from drinking, but the songs’ fired up reprisal suggests that the band has other ideas.

Enjoy the track below and check out The Nico Tobias Band’s past work here.