Bootlicker, Bridgeland, Bluffing, and Blume

Bootlicker - 1000 Yd. Stare

Ahh yes. Victoria’s Bootlicker return with another fright train of an album. Careening down the tracks at break neck speeds, Bootlicker are easily one of the best punk bands in Canada. Tossing up the middle finger to all the hypocrisies found across this vast nation as their runaway locomotive barrels east then back west. They make hardcore important once again, they make cynical old geezers like me remember that music can be a great emotional release.

Bridgeland - Automate

Calgary’s Bridgeland is made up of veterans from their city’s music scene. Coming together randomly from names pulled out of a hat at Sled Island’s Rock Lotto, the band instantly gelled and four years later have released their first EP. It’s a dark and ominous brand of post-punk that leans heavily into krautrock territory and sounds like the culmination of its members collective experiences with past projects.

Bluffing - People Pleaser

Bluffing is a new band from Calgary who released their debut album in April . They take post-punk aesthetics and turn the tempo way down. Using repetition to their advantage, their songs put you in a trance-like state. I find myself slowly bobbing my head getting completely lost in these seven tracks. An impressive debut that has instantly put Bluffing on my radar.

Blume - Echoes At Night

Edmonton’s Blume have been quietly building a nice following in the prairies over the past few years. Their latest album further refines their droney psychedelic leanings. Reverb soaked vocals with shoegaze vibes are tucked under blissful, downtempo melodies perfect for a quiet rainy day or to decompress after an epic night.

- Jeff MacCallum