Premiere: Treephones - "A Map"


Treephones is the musical moniker of Waterloo, Ontario’s Stephen Trothen. His last full-length was the 2014 album, Mute Swan/Trumpeter Swan, and on May 7th he will follow that up with a concept album entitled, Pink Objects.

Each track on Pink Objects is named after an object/thing. The record takes the approach of a short story collection that focuses on the interactions and relationships of characters centred around these items. Trothen wrote and recorded the album himself at his home then enlisted Calvin Hartwick (Daniel Caesar, METZ, Cadence Weapon) at Dream House Studios to do the mixing and Phil Demetro at Lacquer Channel to master the release.

The albums concept studies the idea of object vs. thing with Trothen explaining:

“I read that an object becomes a thing when it stops working for us. So, in other words, the object is meant to go unnoticed while serving us in some way, and becomes a thing when it breaks or fails.”

With this in mind, Trothen looks at our relationship with objects and the change that occurs as they lose their relevance and simply become “things.”

Today, the Cups N Cakes Network is pleased to premiere the second single from Pink Objects. The song is called “A Map” and it comes to us in the form of a clever lyric video. Check it out below and head over here to pre-order the release digitally or on baby pink vinyl.